Planning/other info


3/4 - 3/7: the process of filming will begin. The shots will be taken scene by scene and after, the voiceovers will be done once the scene gets filmed first. The final scene will be done on the 7th as well.

3/9- 3/11:There will be touchups made to any mistakes or if something can be better in the film just to make sure our movie is the best it can be and also this will be the last days of filming.

3/13- 3/22: Editing will be taken place and elements will be implemented to the scenes to our liking as well as the subtitles and titles with the app iMovie on my iPhone 13 and the scenes will be put in chronological order on there as well.


I will be filming at my neighborhood park 3 min away from my house with a basketball court, trail, and overhead shelter.



David Leconte Jr- Neighborhood Basketball Star

Quincy Esta- The Killer/Murderer


David Leconte Jr



David Leconte Jr

Quincy Esta


David Leconte Jr

Health and Safety

My parents and neighbors have decided to collaborate as a "safety team" by giving constant supervision and access to a phone that can dial 911 as well as a first-aid kit in order to assure our safety.

For the scene with stabbing being involved, there will be people on the lookout for any injuries (even though it's a fake knife) just to make sure no one's life is in danger or harm.

Backup Plan

IF for any reason it is raining at prevents us from proceeding in the filming process we will either push the dates for filming back or choose an alternate location such as, Vincent Torres Park.


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