Horror is a storytelling genre that aims to scare, shock, and delight its audience. Horror films can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but they all feature a core villain, monster, or threat who is often a reflection of society's concerns at the time. This individual or creature is referred to as the "other," a phrase used to describe someone who is feared because they are different or misunderstood. This is also why the horror genre has evolved so dramatically over time. Horror evolves along with society and fears. The themes on the horror genre are often a reflection of the culture and what it fears at the time (invasion, disease, nuclear testing, etc.). The character types on the horror genre besides the killer, monster, or threat, the various sub-genres contain certain hero archetypes (e.g., the Final Girl in Slasher movies). The setting of a horror can has many settings, such as: a gothic castle, small town, outer space, or haunted house. It can take place in the past, present or future. The music is an important facet in the horror genre. It can be used with great effect to build atmosphere and suspense.
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